Tech4Care aims to offer a wide range of services dedicated to care organizations, research centers, public, private and non-profit entities, as well as to older people, patients and their families. We want to build new opportunities and added value for our clients surrounding communities.
Tech4Care includes professionals from different disciplinary contexts for offering advances consulting services to our clients in Italy and worldwide.
Project management
Professionals at Tech4Care have longstanding – over 10 years – successful experience in conception, execution and evaluation of projects at the European (e.g., Horizon 2020 Programme), national (e.g., governmental calls, foundations’ calls) and local level (e.g., regional calls). We can guarantee personalized consulting in one or more project management phases, including also the searching for calls for projects and funding opportunities. Our services include: training on project management (also specifically at the European level); technical, scientific and administrative support; support for project idea development and project writing; coordination of consortium, management of tasks and project management in broad sense; scientific support for social, health and clinical research; monitoring and evaluation of the project; reporting and financial accounting.
Health and assistive technologies
Tech4Care offers consulting to healthcare organizations (hospitals, nursing homes, rehabilitation centers etc.) and industry for designing, implementing and evaluating health and assistive technologies. We can help our clients to strengthen or improve the adoption, in clinical routines, of technologies for telemedicine, electronic health records (EHRs) and electronic medical records (EMRs), health information systems, mobile and web applications for patients and clinicians, as well as other assistive solutions. Our services aim to support the client in improving quality, effectiveness and efficiency of developed products and offered services, thanks to the introduction and refinement of new technologies.
Data science
Thanks to high-level scientific competences in statistics and epidemiology, Tech4Care offers support for carrying out data analysis to professionals and researchers, as well as organizations, including with like hospitals, healthcare organizations, research centers, non-profit organizations and industry. Nowadays, it is crucial to explore databases, conduct statistical elaborations and valorize data in order to take important decisions at the policy, research and business level. To our clients, we offer a personalized consulting which may include: creation and management of databases; descriptive data analysis; inferential statistics and statistical modelingmodelling; evaluation of diagnostic accuracy; economic evaluations (cost analysis, cost-effectiveness and cost-utility); sample size calculations for scientific studies; writing reports with analyses and scientific papers.
Professionals working at Tech4Care have longstanding experience as university lecturers at the national and international level, as well as being trainers for events concerning healthcare vocational training for medical doctors, nurses and healthcare workers. Furthermore, Tech4Care is also involved in initiatives for health education and the training of people in a state of frailty and with long-term care needs, as well as their family carers and privately-employed care assistants, for purposes of self-care, care and care management.
Tech4Care offers its health education and training services both to healthcare organizations interested in vocational training for their staff and to individual patients, family members and health professionals interested in improving their skills. Tech4Care is a training centre recognized by the Marche Region (Italy) for higher education and vocational training (D. no. 1364, 30/08/2019).
Tech4Care aims to address care and prevention needs of people in a state of frailty, with long-term care needs and chronic conditions, as well as those of their family carers. Our innovative approach is based on four key aspects:
1. multidimensional evaluation of health and psychosocial conditions of the patient;
2. professional nursing care service for providing needed primary care (e.g., injections, medications, blood samples) in periodical home visits;
3. health education for patients and family members about how to manage care, independently and together with general practitioner and other care services;
4. selection of personalized assistive technologies to be installed at the patient’s home for promoting theirhis/her independence, safety and monitoring at distance by the family carer.s.
All our care services are personalized on the basis of actual needs of the patient and their family. Up to now, we are able to offer care services in the territory of the Marche Region (Italy). Products and services provided by Tech4Care can benefit from tax break and subsidies for the client if their conditions satisfie requirements set by the normative framework. We would be glad to verify with you the possibility to benefit from such incentives.