The iDO project aims to make evidence-based knowledge available for low-skilled care workers in dementiacare. It translates up-to-date evidence in an accessible, motivating, engaging and innovative vocational training on dementia care for direct care workers, reaching professionals who are normally excluded from this knowledge.
The project objectives are:1. to design and develop, in close collaboration with people with dementia and their family carers, an innovative training package (with multimedia contents, a mobile app and a serious game) to promote the acquisition of skills and competences by direct care workers;2. to test the training package with an appropriate number of end-users (direct care workers) in five countries of the European Union (EU), especially for evaluating its impact on their motivation and inclusion in learning activities;3. to finalize the training package incorporating all feedbacks received from end-users;4. to disseminate and scale up the intellectual outputs at a wider EU level, ensuring the sustainability of project results.The project is funded by the EU’s Erasmus+ Programme (2017-2019) (grant agreement no. 2017-1-SE01-KA202-034585).Tech4Care is a key technological partner in the project. In particular, we support the development of the multimedia training materials, the massive open online course (MOOC) and the serious game app.
Care workers dealing with patients with dementia.
To improve job skills and knowledge about how to manage a person with dementia and his/her family carer.
To make publicly available a MOOC for vocational training in Udemy.